Friday, February 17, 2012

No more caterpillars

After losing four toms to caterpillars I went and brought some derris dust. So for now we are pest free again. For a while at least.

The toms are growing so well, no redness yet, but I am hoping that will happen soon.

I took these photos today:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday Garden Makeover

So Greg and I decided to get stuck into the garden on Saturday. I started out feeling a tad discouraged when I was watering my tomatoes and one of the toms fell off :( and then I felt even more disturbed when a big green caterpillar came crawling out of a hole in the tom. I've had a bit of a look at the other ones and I can't see any other sign of bugs. Might have to make a trip to Mitre 10 to see if there's some kind of repellent we can use to keep my toms safe. But they are still growing very nicely on the whole.

We decided to redig the main part of the garden and put in some seedlings. So now we have cabbage, cauli, and brocolli,

Rainbow silverbeet
And I figured we needed some parsley.

We also planted a couple of rows of carrots but you can't see them yet :)
Here's an overall look at our main patch:

Meanwhile, Emmy did her own little bit of gardening... she took the pot that my parsley was in and filled it with grass and dirt. I don't exactly know what she's hoping to grow, but she's being a good Mum towards it!